Remember my frustration with Kitchener stitch? I still want to master Kitchenering, but for this toe, I just pulled the yarn through the last eight stitches, and I'm really happy with it!
If you look carefully at the floor behind the footie, you'll see something purple. Actually, you'll see several cat toys under the TV cabinet, but one should look familiar. Yes, it's the purple catnip mouse! I noticed a couple days ago that it looked a little "felted," and sure enough last night I saw this.

Harley seems to be quite fond of the mouse. She carries toys around with her, so I expect to find it in my bed soon. I once found a US3 DPN in bed, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't knitting in my sleep!
Speaking of DPNs... Susan and May asked about my rosewood DPNs, and how they compare to the Bryspuns. I'm using the Bryspun Bry-Flex US8 needles for the footies, and US2 Colonial Rosewood needles for the Sixth Sense socks. They're very different, as needles go, but I like them both! The Bry-Flexes are obviously much larger needles, but they have a really cool point, which is apparently only on their larger needles. I tried to find a picture online, but couldn't, so we'll have to make do with this fuzzy one I took. But see how the tip sort of dips in? Very nice - I think it speeds up my knitting, which is a good thing, since I'm the world's slowest knitter.

The rosewood needles are great to use - smoother than bamboos, I think, and they feel stronger. Like all wood needles, they're warm and flexible. For little needles, I think rosewood may become my favorite, especially since the teeny Bry-Flexes don't have the cool point.
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