Friday, September 17, 2010

6720 to go


I am still slogging through Larkin. It's beautiful - but why do I knit blankets??? I'm a little more than half-way around the border, which is knitted on. Larkin is knit in the round (or, more precisely, in the square). I did 14 pattern repeats on each side, instead of the recommended 15. Each repeat is 10 stitches. So - we have 140 stitches per side, and 560 stitches around the whole blanket. 560 isn't so many. I've knit plenty of shawls with longer rows.

Each pair of rows of the edging is knit onto one of those edge stitches -- 15 stitches out and 15 back. 30 stitches x 560 = 16,800 edging stitches. This is obviously math I should never have done, because 16,800 is a LOT of stitches. I keep recalculating how many stitches I have left. Right now, I'm about 60% done with the edging, so I only have 6720 stitches left to go.

6720 - that's not so many. Of course, the baby this blanket is for was born last night, about 3 weeks early...

(And also, I cast on for a pair of Cotty socks. With what felt like very little knitting - even though it included a picot cuff -- I'm almost to the heel of the first sock. But now there will be no sock knitting until Larkin is done!)


Mary Lou said...

Oh but think how cute that baby will look with that beautiful blanket and its 16,800 edge stitches.

Kaye said...

So dedicated!!! The hardest part is always at the close but so far!

Chris said...

The nice thing about blankets is the baby won't outgrow them while you're still knitting!

Steven said...

Yep -- you're right. Never should have done that math. It's better left undisturbed. But it's going to be so beautiful. You're in the home stretch!

Rebekah said...

Every time I knit a blanket I swear I'll never knit another blanket, and sure enough a month later, there's another one on the stinkin needles!

Math is evil.

Handyman Severn said...

Thanks great bblog post