In sock news..... well, the Lucky Stripes sock is in time-out. I think I love this yarn so much that no pattern seems to be perfect!

My other adventure for today was making a batch of Strawberry Freezer Jam. I do this maybe every 5 years, and I really should do it more often -- it's so yummy and so easy! Hints:
(1) just use the recipe that comes inside the Surejell package (powder, not liquid). It's here, too.
(2) a pound of strawberries comes to exactly 2 cups of crushed berries, if you don't have to throw too many out. (Most recipes give you amounts needed in quarts, but my grocery store seems to now sell strawberries packaged by the pound.)
(3) use a potato masher or a big fork to crush the berries -- your Cuisinart will do too good of a job.
And finally, stop by MyLittleLambz and say hi to a brand-new knitblogger!
* Feza's a Turkish company -- you can explore their website in Turkish, Russian, or U.S. English!
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