In my excitement over Simon's bib, I forgot to post a picture of my second finished MDK warshrag. I love the red/orange/hot pink combination!
And, just so you'll know that I don't have "precious handknits syndrome," here's my first warshrag in its natural habitat, draped over the faucet in the kitchen sink.
And Julia tagged me for this meme:
5 Things always in my purse:
- sunglasses (this is South Texas, after all)
- wallet
- cell phone
- Origin's "Jam Session" lipstick
- my thumb/pen/flash drive
- Driver's license
- ATM card
- American Express card (in case there's nothing to get out of the ATM!)
- old receipts
- San Antonio Public Library card
- Tropicana Homestyle oj
- Diet Coke
- an open bottle of white wine
- a bag of spinach
- apricot preserves
- dozens of pairs of shoes
- towels (I don't have a linen closet)
- extra Q-tips (see above)
- some clothes that don't fit
- if the door's been open more than 30 seconds, at least one cat
- insurance card
- my gym bag
- pen
- phone charger
- thingy that makes my iPod play through the radio
(I don't really have a desk at home, so this would be at work)
- this morning's coffee
- sticky notes with phone numbers on them
- several automatic pencils
- a stack of professional reading
- my computer
5 People to tag: (all San Antonio knit bloggers)
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