This is the beginning of the novelty yarn shawl on size 19 needles. I'm sure once it's done and fringed it will be lovely, but I sure hate knitting with this giant needles. It doesn't even feel like knitting!!
I'm almost done with the first chart on Seraphim. Still no pictures. I don't know which knitblogger first used the term "boiled ass" to describe lace-in-progress, but that's my excuse, even though at this point it's mostly stockinette.
I've also cast on for yet another sock from the Lorna's Laces Lucky Stripes. Aren't y'all tired of my angst over finding just the right pattern? This latest one is sort of one of my own concoction, with much help from Sensational Knitted Socks. The leg is being done in the Welt Fantastic pattern -- very chevron-y -- modified to be a 13 stitch repeat rather than 11. I plan on doing a short row heel and toe, rather than the "forethought heel" the book suggests with this pattern.
In the Queue
Have you seen Wendy's latest pattern, Sizzle? I love it and have already bought it. I've even ordered black South West Trading Company Bamboo to knit it with. (Note that kpixie is now out of black Bamboo!!! Bamboo's not one of the yarns that Wendy is suggesting, but the gauge is right, and I think it will be nice for the climate here.)
And those of you who know me IRL know about my quest for the perfect fingerless glove pattern. I think I've found it in the latest Knitty: Fetching. I'll need to make them longer, though, since my foreamrs get cold in my office, too. And I'm hoping to find the perfect yarn for them in my stash. (Well, I can always hope.....)
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