Friday, June 08, 2007

Welcome to Iowa!

I'm sure that the two tornado warnings we had yesterday afternoon were just a slightly misguided attempt to welcome me! After all, the hour or so spent on the lowest level of the library with my co-workers and numerous library users was kind of cozy. I got to know some of our students workers. And there was sock-knitting time!

Luckily, there were no tornado touch-downs in Iowa City, although we did get some rain. They were also predicting straight-line winds up to 80 mph (!!!!), but those didn't materialize either.

Knitting-wise, I've got a bad case of start-itis. Even though I've barely begun my Illini socks, I began a pair of Monkeys (with the picot cast-on Cara used). The Illini socks are for carrying around in my bag, for knitting during my bus commute, tornado warnings, and other such times, so I needed another, more complex pair. I'm using Sophie's Toes sock yarn in Seafoam, an almost-solid greeny-blue. Of course, I still haven't dug my printer out (it's in one of the boxes marked "dining room china," along with other breakables) and I forgot to print it at work today, so I can only work on it in front of my computer.

Oh, and I also pulled out Hidcote and knit a few rows. I'm now on row 1 of the second chart. Woot!

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