So, to continue the saga of the socks --- yesterday after I realized that I was knitting with Koigu Kersti, not Koigu KPPM, which explained the extremely dense, even stiff, fabric that I was producing with my size 1 needles, I cast on for the second sock. I started with size 2s, but quickly switched to size 3s. This afternoon, I turned the heel and worked the gusset. Compared to the first sock, this one just flew! And, yes, I have today off and had planned on devoting it to knitting, but still.... It was so much easier knitting this yarn with size 3s, and the decreases were a breeze. With size 1s, I fought for each decrease. The funny thing is that I really like the look of the first sock better - the stitch definition is beautiful on it. That probably has something to do with the fact that the knitted fabric is more like a board than actual fabric!
Here, Simon models the second sock. He's actually thinking, "Silly lady! If you keep disturbing my naps on the Illini-orange blanket, I won't be able to wake you up repeatedly during the night!"

I tried to get Harley to model it for me, but she wouldn't sit still to do it. Wouldn't this kitty backside be perfect for the job?
She would be so embarrassed that I was showing y'all such an unflattering photo, so here's another one, taken from a more attractive angle.
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